07711 306695

Hypnotherapy to Increase Self Esteem

Self-esteem is the phrase we use to describe the opinion we have of ourselves. It refers to how we think, the type of person we are, our abilities and what we expect for the future. Our self-esteem is such an integral part of us and affects every single aspect of our lives.

When our self-esteem is healthy, we generally feel good about ourselves and have a more positive outlook on life in general. Having a high self-esteem gives us the courage and strength to deal with the ups and downs in life – without them having a long-term impact on our health and well-being.

When our self-esteem is low however, our thoughts and feelings about ourselves are generally negative. This is when we are more likely to focus on our weaknesses and be overly critical of the things we do and mistakes we’ve made.  Having low self-esteem means our entire outlook on life is affected. We are also less able to cope with everyday challenges and unexpected issues ( which do occur) can throw us completely off track.

Our mental health can be  really severely affected by ongoing low self-esteem. Our relationships and physical health may also suffer. Seeking help is vital for ensuring long-term problems do not develop. Hypnotherapy for self-esteem is an increasingly popular means of treatment and support. It is one of the. Ost common issues that people ask me for help with.


Low self-esteem affects us all in different ways. There are however common signs to look out for. If a person feels like they are inadequate or unworthy, their behaviour will reflect this. They act in a way that confirms they aren’t able to do things or aren’t very good.

Below is an overview of the types of behaviours and feelings someone with low self-esteem may experience. Over time these can start to take a toll on health and well-being, relationships and working life. This is why treatments such as hypnotherapy for self-esteem are so important:

  • feeling hopeless or depressed
  • feeling bored with life
  • having no motivation
  • feeling constantly anxious or fearful of making a mistake
  • lack of assertiveness
  • feeling overly sensitive to criticism
  • thinking there’s nothing to look forward to
  • thinking negatively about yourself
  • feeling tired a lot of the time
  • feeling like a failure
  • wishing your life was better.

Hypnotherapy for self-esteem

Hypnotherapy is a relaxing and safe process that involves redirecting the attention of both the conscious and subconscious mind. The aim of hypnosis for self-esteem is to identify and challenge patterns of negative thinking. It also encourages positive changes through the power of suggestion. Once you’re under hypnosis, I will present various hypnotic suggestions, visualisations and other techniques. These help to promote positive thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that support a healthy self-esteem.

Having hypnotherapy alongside taking care of your physical health, reducing stress levels and exercising can all help you build self-esteem. During your hypnotherapy sessions I will help you learn to manage stress and anxiety, stop any overthinking, discover your strengths and help you see a positive and confident version of yourself. Hypnotherapy can enable you to change your belief system, building on positive affirmations which will affect your subconscious so that you are able to move forward in life with optimism and high self -esteem

Get in touch with Helen here to have a free consultation on hypnotherapy and self esteem.

helen c johnson brighton hypnotherapist


The first step towards changing your life is to contact me.


Feel free to call for an informal and informative chat!

Call Helen now on 07711 306695

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